Matt 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Mark 8 35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.
Luke 9:24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
Luke 17: 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
The first part, the first step to losing your life for Christ sake, is motivated by your love for Him.
You love Him, because He loved you first. You have felt that Love. When you Love Him, you desire to keep all His Commandments. You’ll find obedience to be your quest, not an a irritation. You will be constantly repenting and changing.
You’ll strive to be obedient in all things. Not out of obligation. Not out of what is expected. Not to change your behavior. But out of Love for this Jesus. Your whole heart given to Him, thus your whole heart given to His words and commands.
You’re obedient when nobody is around and nobody knows. You’re obedient even when the disobedient are around mocking you. You don’t need leaders to remind you. You don’t need others to tell you, because you’re motivated by the Love of Jesus Christ.
So if you’re struggling, Exercise a special kind of Faith. A faith in Jesus Christ’s love for you. That’s where it starts. Believe that He loves you. Have faith in it. Feel it. When you do, and I promise you will, you’ll feel greater love towards Him. That love is your motivation behind your every act. It is How you begin to Lose yourself.
You rid yourself of the old you, and begin to do the Lord’s will with all of the new you, holding back nothing. Devote all your thoughts and desires and works to His will. This is losing yourself. You give Him the one thing He doesn’t have. The one thing you have to offer. Your will.
You cannot Fully Lose yourself, If you are not yourself.
Let me say that again
You cannot Fully Lose yourself, If you are not yourself.
There’s some confusion there, so let me explain
You can still be YOU and have the Character of Christ.
It is the sins and worldly things that have no part of Christ or His work that you must lose. It is our pride and selfishness we must lose. But those things aren’t who you are. Our personalities should never be defined by our sins or weaknesses. You are not your shortcomings. These things are not part of your personality. Holding on to anything that isn’t in harmony with the Lord- is trying to save your life and you shall lose It. Lose your eternal life that is.
Those who are most confused and “lost” are those who are trying to hold on to their sins. Claiming their sins as part of themselves. It is our sins we must lose.
Part of losing yourself- is being happy. It’s being of good cheer. It’s being positive, patient, hopeful, enthusiastic, and confident. If you don’t think you have those characteristics, you’re wrong. Lose yourself serving God and others and you’ll find your true self with those amazing attributes.
It is through your own personality that you develop the character of Christ.
Losing yourself includes being willing, really willing, to do all things the spirit says, no matter how odd or awkward. You lose any fear to learn new things, to teach his gospel, to sing, to contact people, to show love, to share all your talents with others. Share yourself!
The Lord called you to follow him! He didn’t call a robot follower, he called you. He didn’t call you to struggle. He called you to follow him and serve. You must get really really really good at just that- serving. With all of yourself, all of your gifts, all of your experiences, all of your personality, give it to serving. Lose everything else that doesn’t let you serve God and others better.